Take a Walk with Your Creative Side
Take a walk with your creative side....
Let's Get LITerary is here for you, on your time.
Let's Get Literary is dedicated to improving literacy and interpersonal connection between readers, writers, and listeners. We offer personal tutoring and writing consultation services for students of all ages. We are most prepared for students studying English- Writing & Reading, but also consult on essays and writing projects on other subject areas. We're also here to make it... FUN!
And.. Coming Soon:
From writing tutorials to the Let's Get LIT-erary Podcast, Let's Get Literary is bringing learning and entertainment to you on your time. We are focused on creating free, accessible content. We invite you to listen, learn, and get LIT with us. Cheers!
Amanda DeNatale holds a Bachelors in English and Master's of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, both from Creighton University. Before deciding to create her own platform, Amanda was a fiction editor for F(r)iction (4 years) and a nonfiction editor for Blue River Review (3 years). Her creative work appears in Toasted Cheese, Crack the Spine, and CALYX. Amanda currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada with her dog, Duchess, and cats, Lady and Booger.
Contact Us
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